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Setting up Monogame for development

Last updated Mar 20, 2023

Before any Game could be implemented, there is a setup for the development environment to do. Of course, you could just follow the Setup-Guide at MonoGame’s website.

# Setting up MonoGame for Linux

Jan’s choice of an operating system consists of Fedora Workstation for his laptop and Windows for his desktop gaming pc. As development is mainly done on his laptop, he followed the Linux-Guide for setting up MonoGame.

# Install .Net 6 SDK

As MonoGame is based on Microsoft’s Mono and XDA libraries you have to install .Net 6 SDK

# Install Visual Studio Code

Of course you can get any Code-Editor to somehow work with MonoGame, but for Jan Visual Studio Code was the obvious choice, as it is tightly integrated with MonoGame. Here, you can also add plugins to support your development:

  1. C# extension
code --install-extension ms-dotnettools.csharp
  1. MonoGame Content Builder
code --install-extension mgcb-vscode.mgcb-vscode

# Install MonoGame templates

There are additional templates and tools available you can install via CLI:

dotnet new --install MonoGame.Templates.CSharp

Optional On Linux you can install Wine and a tool by MonoGame to better compile effects. Jan opted for not installing it yet

To read how Jan set up our game, read here.