A Journey of Music


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Review No. 1

Last updated Mar 6, 2023

As we described our goals for the last week last weekend, we wanted to review our ongoings and also updating you on our plans for next week!

# Designing a logo and design for the game and blog

This is our freshly designed logo for the game and blog. It represents our approach to our simplicity and the musical theme of our game. We may improve this along the way, but for now it represents the identity of this project.

# First steps in MonoGame

We also took a look on MonoGame and started implementing the game. Both of us believe in learning by doing, so the game enhances nearly every time we touch it. In our upcoming update, we will describe the process of refactoring the game in an object-oriented approach.

# Final Decision on whether we use MonoGame or Godot

We finalized our decision to go with MonoGame, as it is the most fitting game engine, for our scope. We will tell you more about it in an upcoming blog entry, on why we didn’t want to go with Unity or Unreal.

# Enhancing of our Game Concept.

This goal was cut short this week, but we will do it in the upcoming week, we promise ;).

# First Approach at platformer mechanics and levels

While there are no seeable results to this one, we developed our game with multiple levels in kind. Read more about this one in our article about the object-oriented design of our game.

You can see our times, that we spend on the project on this site.