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Process of map design

Last updated May 4, 2023

Libre Sprite Parallax Maps are a popular way to create dynamic and immersive game environments. In this process, pre-existing maps are modified and enhanced to add depth and detail to the scene. In this post, we will discuss two examples of how we used this technique to create unique and captivating game environments.

The first map we modified was the Mozart map. We wanted to create an older, more historic feel to the modern buildings in the scene. To accomplish this, we redesigned the buildings to have an older aesthetic. We also cut out the background and added another layer to create additional depth. This helped create a more dynamic and interesting scene, adding depth and character to the environment.

The second map we modified was the Kiss map. We wanted to create a warm, evening atmosphere in this scene, so we changed the colors to a yellow-orange hue. We also redesigned the foreground and adjusted the height of the buildings to create more depth. Additionally, we added a layer of clouds that move faster than the background clouds to create a more immersive environment. This layer also helped to create a red-orange atmosphere, further enhancing the evening feel of the scene.

Using Libre Sprite Parallax Maps is an effective and efficient way to create unique game environments. By modifying existing maps and adding layers of detail and depth, we can create immersive and engaging worlds for players to explore. We hope that these examples inspire you to experiment with your own maps and create your own unique game environments using this technique.