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Game Frameworks

Last updated Mar 20, 2023

# Game Framework

A game framework is a collection of reusable code libraries, modules, and tools that provide a foundation for building games. It provides a structure for organizing code, assets, and other resources, and typically includes functionality for handling graphics, input, sound, physics, networking, and other common game development tasks. A game framework allows developers to focus on the game logic and design, without having to worry about low-level details.

Examples of popular game frameworks include:

# Game Engine

A game engine is a more comprehensive set of tools and technologies that provide a complete development environment for building games. In addition to the features found in a game framework, a game engine typically includes a visual editor, scripting tools, and support for creating complex game worlds and scenarios. Game engines are designed to be highly extensible, and often support plugins and third-party tools that allow developers to add custom functionality.

Examples of popular game engines include:

In summary, while both game frameworks and game engines provide a foundation for building games, game engines offer a more complete development environment, with additional tools and features for creating complex games.