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Fuck Monogame - Our Transition to Godot 4

Last updated Apr 23, 2023

We’ve made mistakes, we finally admit it! Whilst Monogame was our original choice, the hiccups and discontinued libraries made it nearly impossible to got something going. Those 3 weeks we needed for importing .tmx-files were unnecessary and costed us a lot of time. That’s why we underwent an engine switch to Godot 4. This transition has multiple advantages over Monogame whilst adding to our original principles for our game-engine choosing. Godot is also

but has and is, in comparison to Monogame

# Transitioning Process

Because, we haven’t got that far, there was not a lot of progress lost. We easily could reuse our custom made assets and could directly feel the intuitiveness of Godot, by easily creating and rendering a tile map. The controls, animations, and physics of the player and the world were also quickly implemented and by the end of Saturday, the 22. Of April, we overtook our previous progress with an increased development speed.

# Recent Screen capture

Link to our Youtube-Video