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First Steps with MonoGame

Last updated Mar 24, 2023

We can announce, that we have made first steps in MonoGame (literally!).

We can move the character up and down, left and right, by inputting the keyboard. What we haven’t figured out yet, but are now closer to it, is how to animate the player: Today we took a look at MonoGame.Extended only to find out, that it seems to be discontinued. We really don’t know, so we tried MonoGame.Aseprite as it is build for the support of Sprite Animations build by the Aseprite Editor. We successfully can now import .ase and .aseprite Files with the MGCB-Editor. We expect the first Animations to work tomorrow, after some fixing and reading the documentation :).

Furthermore, we do also plan to explain the process of adding libraries to the MonoGame project.

Added: For the Tilemaps, we are still in search of a capable library, because MonoGame.Extended uses features deprecated in recent MonoGame versions. For our Animations, we ended up, writing the code ourself.