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Blog Setup

Last updated Mar 20, 2023

This is a How-to Article for quickly setting up a blog with Quartz and Obsidian.md.

# Prerequisites

  1. Obsidian installed on your local machine (because Quartz is Markdown-based)
  2. GitHub-Account
  3. Basic Knowledge of GitHub and Git.

Firstly, visit Quartz and follow their Setup-Guide. Also follow their Obsidian-specific Tips.

Attention In Github, you have to set some parameters at the Pages tab in the settings Organiziation (or User-wide) and then Repository wide. Always renember to Push into the hugo-Branch

If you have done that, do some configuration and try pushing some notes to it.

In Germany hosting your fonts with Google-Fonts isn’t allowed by law and could be fined. You can just host your own fonts. For that I we would make a cross-reference to Momolem’s Blog where he explains the changes you have to make, to make this work.