A Journey of Music


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Addictive Patterns

Last updated Apr 13, 2023

To get users to continue playing your game isn’t easy. That’s, why there are so-called addictive patterns.

# Addictive Patterns

Addictive patterns in computer games can be important because they keep players engaged and coming back for more. Many game developers intentionally design their games to create addictive experiences, using techniques like reward schedules and variable reinforcement to encourage players to keep playing. While addiction to computer games can have negative consequences for some individuals, the majority of players are able to enjoy games in moderation without any significant problems. Furthermore, the development of games that provide healthy, rewarding experiences for players can be a valuable tool in promoting positive mental health and well-being. Ultimately, it is up to game developers and players alike to be mindful of the potential risks and benefits of addictive patterns in computer games.

# Addictive Patterns in Music Journey

As Music Journey is a 2d platformer game, with only single-player capabilities for the scope of the development at university, the most basic addictive pattern is succeeding in the different levels by jumping and crawling to the beat of the music. A little diagram shows, how our addictive patterns work: